Walden Investigative Group utilizes high-definition video recording equipment and provides access to video evidence within 24 hours of a completed investigation. All of our surveillance services include a free preliminary Claimant Background Report (CBR). We offer several different surveillance packages including:
Surveillance (3-Day or More Special Rate) - 8 hours on site per day with discounted rates and no additional charges. If the claimant is not active during surveillance, Walden Investigative Group will work up to 2 additional hours at no charge on the last day of surveillance.
Surveillance (Full Day) - Includes 8 hours on site per day with no additional charges.
Surveillance (Half Day) - Includes 4 hours on site per day with no additional charges.
Activity Checks/Neighborhood Canvass
Activity checks are a powerful tool in which clients can develop valuable information and determine if surveillance is required. Activity checks typically include 2 hours of surveillance on-site, database searches, and neighborhood canvasses. Activity checks can develop background information, address confirmation, daily routine, outdoor activities, hobbies, and possible employment regarding a claimant.
Courthouse and Records Searches
Many cases rely on background information from courthouse and records searches prior to a deposition or trial. Record checks are conducted at the local, district and federal levels. Many searches can reveal prior claims, criminal records, and driving history of a claimant.
Alive/Well Checks
These independent checks are utilized as an additional tool for clients to process long-term and ongoing claims.
Claimant Background Report (CBR)
Includes several possible areas including: daily routine, hidden employment, extensive social network searches, hobbies, activity level, address confirmation, vehicle identification, criminal history.