About Us

Contact Us

2601 W. Lake Avenue, Suite 6A 273

Peoria, IL 61615

Appointment Only

Office Phone - 309-696-5541

Email - info@waldeninvestigations.com




Based in Peoria, IL, we offer strategic coverage for the entire State of Illinois. Walden Investigative Group, LLC specializes in Insurance Investigation: Workers Compensation, Disability, Personal Injury/Liability, and Auto. We also provide investigative services to Lawyers/Legal Professions, Corporations/Businesses, and the General Public.

We utilize investigators whose backgrounds include military, law enforcement, or insurance industry expertise. We hand picked our investigators whom are viewed as the industries best. Our investigators provide expert testimony to help settle your claim and/or investigation needs.  

All of our investigators are fully licensed and have completed extensive training that make them the best in the business. They are equipped with state-of-the-art technology, such as video/still camera equipment, laptop computers, covert cameras, digital recording devices, and specially equipped surveillance vehicles. 

Licensing and Insurance

State Of Illinois Private Detective Agency License #:


Commercial General Liability Insurance:

Each Occurrence Limit -                                                                                                                    $1,000,000

General Aggregate Limit (Other than Products/Completed Operations) -        $2,000,000

Products/Completed Operations Aggregate Limit -                                                        $2,000,000

Personal and Advertising Injury Liability Limit -                                                                  $1,000,000

Damaged to Premises Rented to You Limit -                                                                          $100,000

Medical Expense Limit, Any One Person -                                                                               $5,000


Contact Us:

7719 N. Pioneer Lane

Peoria, IL 61615

Office Phone - 309-696-5541

Email - info@waldeninvestigations.com